Resolutions oh resolutions...

Well, just re-watched this video again, it's been a year since it's first uploaded but still nice to watch :

So, just like every new year almost all of us will make some resolutions that made to be done but some or in my case, almost all of it left..undone, just like what happened on the video.

This year, I really wish that my resolutions will not be just resolutions, but it will come true... HOPEFULLY, all of it will come true *fingerscrossed* because I just think it'll be pointless if I didn't score any goals.

So, here's some of my goals that need to be done this year :

1. Lose some weights. Really old resolutions that need to be done.
2. Enter college, university or whatever you named it.
3. Go to Bangkok, visit Santorini Park and see Loy Krathong Festival at Chiangmai
4. Go to Bromo
5. Enter any dance class / company
6. See Coldplay Live in Jakarta - if it's really happen
7. Lose some weights... again.
8. Updating my blog at least once a week.
9. Dye my hair again
10. Tidy up my room - because the mess is....unbelievable.
11.  Etc... etc.. etc... somethings cannot be mentioned here~

Hope I can really make these resolutions come true..
and I hope this year with the new spirit to start the new chapter
Little by little, I want to really know and follow my passion, and do it for a living
I think that's the best way to live your live, right?

Good luck for this year's resolutions everyone :)


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