Take care, Kangin!
Today is 5th of July, 2010. Today is the day (yeah, I hate this day! XP)
Today, Kangin is going to enter the army. And of course we will not see him
for 2 years.
I think after that car incident he change a lot. He's more mature.
And I just can stand reading the translation of "A Short Journey"
goodamn, Eunhyuk you really kill it! The lyrics was soooo Kangin.
Kangin-sshi, you have promised a lot of things, I keep it until you come back! XD
Good luck at the army our Korean number 1 handsome guy! :]
After you go for a short while and wipe of your heart wrenching wound
After time passed by, When I (fortunately can) meet you..
I will tell you that I miss you too! :"")
"Oh Baby say good bye,
Oh Good bye for a while.."

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