Pretty Pig?
Once upon a random afternoon, I watched this show called 'The Extreme Makeover : Weight Loss Edition' on TLC Asia. And as obviously written on the show name, the episode which I watched is about Staci, young working mother weight about 450 pounds and because of that she couldn't do some things that could make her life and her stroke-survivor-husband easier.
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Chris Powell (the host and also the trainer) and Staci Picture source : |
She worked her ass off to lose some weights, and after a year from 450 something, she weight about 240 pounds! *about 110 kilograms!* and of course it's not all! watching her struggle make me feel like slapped on the face, I feel like I'm such a lazy pig -_-
After watching the show I convincing myself to be more focus on my own diet, because I realize... it's NOT JUST ABOUT THE LOOK!
Beside the aesthetics, being fat is really unhealthy, it can cause many serious deadly disease (such as stroke, cancer, etc) and it's really disturbing even on a small things. Like on Staci's case, she can't change a light bulb because the ladder won't strength enough to carry her, so, her husband whose left area of his body can't move must be the one who change it. He's half numb, he can't move or feel his left area of his body, so it's so dangerous to him to climb the ladder. And watching it made Staci died a little inside... but she made it in the end. she lost bunch of weights (and nasty fats) and another important thing : she gain her self confidence too...
I didn't mean that fat people got no self confidence, but.... it's just so different! *cause I've felt it once, and I want to feel it again*
And well, honestly, myself is an obese teenage girl... I've lost about 10 kg last year, but because of my dumb lazyness I gain some weight again and it's really upsetting... watching this show motivated me to continue my struggle to become a healthier and pruitiful girl.
After all, I just wanna say before it's too late : please just eat properly, take an exercise minimum one hour per day, stay fit, keep on your body shape if you got a good body shape and if you're fat start dieting now before you become an obese and get silly annoying disease that you shouldn't get!
Notes :
Pruitiful means pretty and beautiful got it from the hilarious couple Simon and Martina (eatyourkimchi)
I'm sorry if there's anyone who feel offended, it's just my opinion...
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